Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mid-Autumn Festival Day! YUMMY MOONCAKES!!!

If you aren't Asian you wouldn't understand the title of my blog post and you cannot understand all the happiness that I am feeling right now. Almost all Asian kids throughout Southeast Asian, are celebrating  whatever holiday they call it today! I believe all Chinese people call it Mid-Autumn Festival, and if I was in China it would be much funner than celebrating here in New York. My mother tells me all of the stories that she had when she was young celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong. She says that every year there is a big festival in central Hong Kong, where there are a lot of mini shops on the street, with games, food, stuff to buy, and ect. All we have here in New York are mooncakes. 

Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE TO EAT MOONCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Is mooncake spelled with a space or not?) There are so many different types of moon cakes, red bean, black bean, lotus bean, iced shelled!!!!! My family bought our moon cakes on Friday because yesterday we don't have time, and today my mom is very busy. My favorite type of mooncake is either the; egged shelled red bean mooncakes with two duck eggs, or ice shelled taro flavored mooncakes! The both of them are soooooo yummmy!!!!!!!

I've tried before making my own mooncakes but they always don't taste as good as the ones made by others. Probably the reason is because I tweak the recipe to make it healthier such as not using lard because I don't like it. Oh well, whatever I'm not messing up mooncakes this year because I'm not making them. I feel bad for wasting all the stuff that I put in the mooncakes and just throwing it all out afterwards. 

Here's the recipe I used if you want to try it out:

Photos of Yummy MOONCAKES!!!!!!! :



Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nyan Cat

This whole post is due to my friend Sharon.

She had a blog post about watching this video off youtube, and how dumb it is. I have to tell you that this video is very stupid and yet kinda funny. It is weird, it's just a cat running with like a flat 2d body in the shape of a rectangle. When it's running it like leaves a trail of rainbow. I think that it's farting it but whatever. It's so boring and whatever. The video's 10 hours long, and I quit after like the first minute.

I told my sister to watch it but I don't think that my sister would actually watch it. I showed it to my mother and my mom was like bored and told me it was stupid. Comment on how your feel after viewing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Four Hundred Page Views!!! / Unreal friends

I just received my four hundredth page view, well technically it happened last night but I'm still very happy! I remember when it was like several months ago, I was so happy about getting just 50 page views, now I'm at eight times that number and I am so happy! I first started this blog to express what I felt, and had inside of me. I had never thought that my blog would interest viewers but I guess I did and I'm happy for it! i'm just wondering when I can actually get one thousand page views but I guess that would happen in like a year or so... Whatever!

     Technically the top portion of this post is just a shout out and this portion is the actual post. In Midwood life has gotten even more complicated, and irritating. Don't think I dislike Midwood, because I'm getting use to it, but people and academics are getting more annoying. 

People at Midwood are weird, at least my friends/not friends are. They don't tell you anything except what they want to tell you. Whenever I talk to people I have a feeling of distrust, a feeling that I cannot be told anything big, because I can't keep my mouth shut. I feel as though people don't want to tell me the whole thing, but instead they tell me portions of what they want to say, and it gets annoying. I feel as though I haven't met a true friend yet, and I'm sad about that. I sit here wondering if I should meet more people and try to find a real friend, or just spend more time with the friends I already have and see if they would trust me through time... I hate thinking like this, at my old school people were much simpler....

Teachers at Midwood are fine even though they kind of breeze through stuff fast and that gets annoying also. I don't seriously hate any specific teacher, but I do not like my math teacher Mrs. Bang. I think I already wrote about this somewhere else, but I want to write about it again because it's on my mind. She has such a heavy accent, and it hurts my ears to listen to her. Her handwriting is horrible and I have to read it everyday to copy her stupid notes. She has poor grammar, and her notes doesn't make sense if you don't correct it manually. Whenever you ask her a question she never understands what you are asking, so it is pointless to do so.. If she actually does understand she just recites what's on the board. If we actually understood what's on the board why do we need to ask you? We would just read the board, right? She is so confusing and I think that I would fail my geometry regents this year, if I don't have a different teacher next semester....

**Continued on next post** (Going to be published sometime next day or later...)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dead... Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

If you read my title and you don't understand it, it is suppose to be like the machines in hospitals where they mearsure your heartbeat, and everytime it beats they make a beep sound. The last beeeeeeee, is suppose to sound like half a beat and they it slowly dies and at the end it dies. In other words I am dead.
Well, obviously that wasn't literal because if it was, how can I even write this post? What it is suppose to mean is that I am dying in Midwood, due to all the homework. I was going to name this psot "Drowning in Homework Part II......" but I like this title better. I know what you're thinking, "why does he alway's have to complicate stuff?" Well the simple answer is that I like to make my life harder, and make my reader's life harder also... Hehe!!!
I am dying in Midwood due to all the homework, as I said before and I am not kidding. I am already sick today because yesterday I had to stay up late to do homework, and this morning I had to get up early to go to school. I am fatigue right now, I feel light headed, and I feel nauseous. Well this probably happened because I stayed up late for several days already, and I'm only going to get more later because my Living Enviorment and Spanish teacher told us that they won't give us homework untill next week. I must enjoy and relax this weekend and Monday and Tuesday, because I won't be able to after it. I'm only going to get more homework, and spend even more time doing them... Right now I feel sick and really tired, and it feels like that I'm in depression. Also, I feel really sad, because I took an asprain, for the big headache I just got, because I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I only slept like 6 hoursk, and I kept waking up... Sight, and next Thursday I have lab so I have to wake up even earlier, in other words, I have to wake up at 5AM next Thursady. THE FREAKING SUN ISN'T EVEN UP YET AND I HAVE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY THE HECK DOES THE SCHOOL TRY TO RUIN AND KILL OUR LIVES???????????????????/
I guess that if I don't blog a lot for the next few days, I won't be able to do so other than weekends, due to all the stuff I have to do, including studying, because stuff I'm learning is really hard and I'm a fast learner.........

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Drowning in Homework............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Seriously, I don't get it how do teacher's come up with such hard and menial homework. I jsut read Sharon's blog of how little homework she had and I am totally jelaous at her. Seriously, why do I have so much homework. Just today alone, I spent like two and a half hours doing two seprate homeworks. Luckily I did two at school, one in health class and one in spanish or else I would be dead. I started homework at around 8 and now it's 10:45 and I've just completed them and I haven't even packed them. I hate this, and soon I'll be getting more homework like Living Enviorment, because he's trying to not give it to us this fast. Also, Spanish is the only other class where I don't get long menial homeworks and I am grateful for that so far. I don't how long will this last, and I'm sure someday I'll have to wake up an extra hour earlier to finish off homeworks that I didn't complete. Also, there aren't any tests yet, so I don't have to study, so when I do need to study it means extra work, and it means extra time and it means I WILL BE DEAD!!! DANH! DANH! DANHHHH!! O well, I was prepared for this, and I guess oh well.

My weird Spanish Teacher... ~ :)

I have a new Spainsh Teacher, and I'm really sad about it because I really liked my old Spainsh teacher Senora Borrero. My new Spainish teacher is both cool and werid. She's cool because she's so friendly and she only like 10-12 years older than me. She acts very immature in class, and it's fun with her, but she isn't a Spainsh native, and she makes so much mistakes. She mispronounces words, and I don't want to correct her because it would make we look like a smart alec. Her lessons are so simple, everything that she's teaching us, I learned it in 7th grade. We are in Spanish 2 not Spanish 1, so instead of teaching us to say "puedo ir al bano" maybe something that we don't know. However her lesson on that was really fun and creative. She made us listen to the bathroom song, and if you want to view it, go on Youtube, and type in Pudeo Ir Al Bano, and the video with a kid wearing an orange T-shirt is it. Yesertday we watched the video, and today she made us sing it. If we didn't she would've given us a zero for participation so everyone sung, but softly. It was so funny, and also she was asking us questions about our families, and a student said his brother was 30 and he is learning Spainish. She immediately asked "Is he hot?" and everyone started laughing including her.
I'm starting to be accustomed to Midwood life, but I still don't like it. Walking through the halls are always a pain, because there are so much people and people walk like there's glue on their shoes. When we're late we get peanilized and that's just so dumb. The teachers are all fine, except they expect so much out of us. I hate my English teacher, Mr. Friedman, because he dictates all of our notes to us except the do now. We take notes while he keeps blah blah blahing to us. I like my Music, Biology, and oddly my math teacher. I like my music and biology teacher because they are so funny, and they crack jokes like every 5 minutes. I like my math teacher, Mrs. Bang because she's werid, I know it's dumb, but I like her because she's weird.
I met two new friends today, Wayland (who I call Wallace) and Albert. They're both Asian and I met them on the bus, and we're friends now. So totaling them my friends are: Bobby, Steven, Alex, Emily, Hannah, Ka, Jenny, Zifco, and Bob. They are spread throughout all my 8 classes, and I kinda like them. However the only thing is that I don't really trust them that well. I can't tell them any of my secrets and share real personal stuff. They didn't even get me, when I asked if any of them thought that Ice Cream truck men were pedofile. If I asked that to Vanessa she would've given me the answer and we would've debated about the subject for like half an hour. All they did was answer no. Seriously you could give a more precise answer. That's the reason why friends are irreplaceable, at least some are.
I learned that this morning on the bus that I am claustrophobic. There was so much people on the bus, I felt so uncomfortable and threatened and that I wouldn't be able to get off. I like my personal space people, so move over, and not be on top of me. I was literally going to say that on the bus, but it would be so rude so I kept my mouth shut. I kind of hate Midwood because there is so much people. I feel so packed and unrelaxed. I always though that I was claustropohic and now I conformined it.
I know this is really long but the reason that it is so long, it's because if you read my Blogger News, that I couldn't write posts for the last several days. I don't know why but one day it just didn't work and now it does again!
To Vanessa: You can tell Mrs. Borrero how my Spanish Teacher sucks, and cannot teach me anything.
To Sharon: How come i never see you in school anymore?
I hope all of you are enjoying life!!!
Bye!!!!!!! I still have tons of homework to do... : (

Friday, September 7, 2012

Second Day of Midwood....

I believe that all of you would believe that I had a perfect second day of school! Right? Well, I'll keep this post short. My answer is TODAY WAS HORRIBLE!!! All my classrooms were no air conditioned, and I was sweltering. Also, I hate all my teachers except three: my living enviorment, spanish, and lastly my required music. There were so many people in the halls so I cannot walk. In other words, I seriously hate Midwood so far... Also, all the classes were crammed, there were like 40 kids in each class. Uggh, next Monday must be better, or I will transfer back to Brooklyn Studio...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Primero Día De Escuela!!! (Transation: First Day of School) !!! :0

     I just wanted to pratice my Spanish because I think I forgot majority of the words through the summer... Anyway today was the first day of Midwood for me. The day went by okay though I could've met more people and made more friends. All people that I knew today had different schedules that me, so I'm actually currently, Mr. Lonely... I actually like my schedule, because my first period class, except days with Living Enviorment Lab is lunch... I got early lunch, and it's third period but to me I call it first... Technically during the Freshmen Assembly the principal said we were allowed to not attend lunch... That means I can go to school late and hour and not get in any trouble!!!
     Okay I will describe my day from the beginning to right now! This morning I woke up at 7:55, although I wanted to wake up at 7:30. I kinda slept in 15 extra minutes, and clicked the snooze button two extra times... When I woke up I did everything as I usually do: brush my teeth, wash my face, eat breakfast (I had french toast today made by my mom, because I made her get up early today!!!), gel my hair, change my clothes, and then put on my shoes. I left the house, and took the bus. This morning the first bus I saw, it was not in service so boo hoo... The second bus was exremly crowded, and I just went on. It was a nightmare. After like 5 stops, I found out that I was riding the same bus as Sharon Li... That was so weird. I arrived at Midwood 20 minutes earlier, and I had to wait outside. The principal said that this year there were 1100 freshmen, and I just was shocked!!! While me and Sharon was waiting outside in like the last 10 minutes, she took off her watch, and afterwards she kept looking on her watch hand, but there wasn't any watch on it. It was soo funny, and I'm never letting it go...
     My schedule is okay, except I got a stupid World History AP. I'm both glad I got it and sad I got it. I'm glad because AP classes look soooo good on a college application, but sad because it means a lot more work... Sigh... I hope tommorow I meet more friends!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Special Template!!! : )

I just uploaded the special template I had to celebrate/mourn for the first day of school which is tomorrow!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!

**The template would be taken off after I return home after the first day of school, which is tomorrow!! Enjoy it for now!!! MUWAH AH AH AH AH AH!!!!!!**

Leavin'~~~ Sigh... CRY!!!

Right now I can think of many things that I am going to leave behind with the start of my freshman year at Midwood High School... I am both excited, and regretful that I am going to be attending Midwood High School. I am excited to be starting fresh at a new high school with no previous memories, and friends. I am regretful that I am leaving all my friends at Brooklyn Studio, yet as one cannot take actual objects with them, I can however take with me the happy memories. I am regretful that next year I will not be at the sides of my great friends, annoying them while they are working because I'm already done with my work. I am regretful that I cannot spend lunch time stand around and annoying people. (I can see that I enjoy annoying people!) I am regretful that I cannot help my friends with hard math equations, or help them find mistakes and get my friends mad...
     I've spend the last three years of studies at Brooklyn Studio, and those three years were filled with happiness and sorrow. I've met many people there and I cannot bear to think of meeting new people, because I don't make friends easily. I am fearful that next year, I will be Mr. Lonely and have no friends to talk with. I've saw on Facebook, that some of my old friends are taking Algebra 2/Trigonometry next year, and I will not be in the classroom helping my friends. Just the thought of that makes me sad...
However, like coffee, right now I'm feeling bitter sweet. I'm bitter because at Midwood I know no one, and I am sorrowful about that. Yet I'm feeling sweet because of all the new things that I will being to unfold at Midwood gets me excited. Midwood is known for all the clubs that they hold, and I already wanna join like twenty of them. Tommorow I have to arrive at Midwood at 11:10 AM to recieve my schedule, and have a freshman assembly. I wonder if I'll make any friends at homeroom, because that'll be where I'm suppose to report to first. Also, I'm wondering if next year I'll have nice friendly teachers, or strict stern evil teachers.
Other than leaving Brooklyn Studio, I'm leaving my summer. Today's the last day of summer vacation and I regret not doing all that I wanted to. I wanted to explore my neighborhood but I didn't because throughout the whole summer majority of the days were either too hot, humid, rainy, cold, or just plain icky... I guess I'll have to do all that I planned next year!!! Hope all of my viewers have a great school year!!
**P.S. I just saw on the news that there was a 7.9 Magnitude Earthquake at Costa Rica and I feel really sad for them. I don't know what else to say...**

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(Like/Love) At First Sight!!! : ) (Update: Victor's Theory of "Like/Love At First Sight")

This post is all about love and relationships, because this morning one of my friends email me, and said that she thought that she thought that I didn't believe in Love At First Sight, and here I clarify myself:
Love is too stong for your to find in a person that you just first set eyes on!!!
You might find that, that person is perfect and he/she is your true love, but it's 99.99% not!!!
Here I will list 3 reasons why the term "Love At First Sight" is theoretically impossible/incorrect.
1) Love is like wine, it is both sweet and bitter. For love to be found, two people must go through happiness and bitterness. You cannot go through all that is just a plain first sighting.
2) For love to be declared, a relationship must be tested to see if it can withstand outsiders. A relationship isn't perfect, but yet love is. A relationship must be tested for it be to called love, so there must be obtascles for them to overcome together.
3) For love to be found, both partners must be happy. There must be no regrets, or sadness involved or else it isn't love. As no one is perfect each partner must give up a little to make the relationship to workout. Some people find these little sacrifices nothing, and are happy to give them up, yet many aren't. They feel as though they sacrificed too much, and feel as though it isn't worth it. This way, they aren't happy. Therefore love isn't present.
I believe that "Like at First Sight" is theoretically possible, because unlike love, like is a much broader term. The distinguishment between love and like, is very hard, and some cannot distinguish the two apart. Liking someone, means that you admire the other person, and he/she would make a fine candidate as your future parter. It doesn't nessacarily need to be tested, or anything. Liking someone doesn't mean anything, except you admire the other person.
If I didn't convince you that "Love at First Sight" isn't possible, than whatever. Everyone has their own beliefs and this is what I believe. Have a fine day!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

My 300th Pageview!!!

This post would be very short because it's just a shout out!!! Although it's quite late of writing this post, because I obtained my 300th pageview like 3 hours ago. The title of my 300th pageview goes to my viewer in United States. I spent like 5 minutes finding out who it was, and luckily that person made a comment!!! My 300th pageview goes to my friend: Vanessa!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Vanessa!!! I have two reasons of thanking you, and one is that you are my 300th pageview, and second is for your continued viewage of my blog!!!
My next milestone is my 400th pageview. I wonder who that would be???
Here are two notes I have to write:
To Sharon: You still didn't tell me your homeroom number!!! So comment it below!!!!!!
To Vanessa: You should seriously talk to that guy!!! Maybe it would be love at second sigh or something!!!

In Pain!!!

     Owwwwwhhhhhhhhh!!! I just woke up with my throat hurting like crazy!!! I feel as though I have a throat infection or something!!! It hurts so bad I don't even want to do anything but later I still have to go out with my family. Yesterday I wanted to go out to have tea with my mom and sister, but now I want to stay home. I cannot even find those throat drop thingys in the yellow bag that tastes like lemon!!! They soothe my throat perfectly!!!

Also, I have to give a shoutout to my next viewer!!! You are my 300th page viewer!!!! THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF VIEWAGE OF MY ODD BLOG!!!!

**Update: My throat still hurts but better than before because I'm eating the lemon drop thingys. I found out that it's Ricola Lemon Mint Herb Throat Drops. Also, other than that, I uploaded a different template on my blog... I hope you like it!!! Other than that, I'm indecisive of which on to use as my permanent one. Also, there would a be special template on September 6th!!! ~1:47 PM 9/1/2012**