I'm wondering how grim the world would be without hope........
Hope is all that we wish could/would happen. Everything we do, we hope that it would be correct, and not cause us any harmful consequences............. Yet at times, hope is lost, and at that darkest moment is where in dramas the guy or girl comes and brings hope back into the character's world..................... I know that's a horrible comparison, but I cannot think of anything better............. :D
Hope is all that we can wish for, yet hope is an intangible object............. We cannot see, touch, hear, smell, or feel hope......... Yet it exists....... Yesterday in class my English Teacher as us "What is Love?" Till right now, I cannot answer that question....................... [P.S. If any of you viewers could answer it, please leave it below because I really want to know!]
Hope is hope....... LOL!!
This is such a weird post but that was what was on my mind/heart.......... Whatever............................. :D
Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!! :D
Awww.... Such a meaningful post.. :) LOVE IT~ :)
P.S. I "really thank you" for writing "What is love?"... Because you know what? There's these lyrics in this song that has those words in it, and I'm telling you almost everyday I would hear Anderson sing/say it... :( Ugh, his annoying-ness has never changed
(P.S.I know annoying-ness is not a word... And I'm realizing that I've been writing alot of these "made up" words on your last post and this post... Better not get into this habit..) :)
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