OMG!! There's this Creepy Asian Guy in my gym class and he's really scary........ He looks harmless, but he's really scary..... He looks like one of those people that don't' seem to be harmless but really are!!!!!! OMG!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway the reason that he's really creepy is that he has a really freakish tendency to stare at you, and whenever he stares, he gives off this really creepy smile....................................................... OMG!!!! In gym class with my friends Sam, Jerry and Albert, whenever I turn around he's somehow always behind me and staring at me........... OMG!! Today was like the 12th time where he's behind me.................. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, whenever we're in the locker room, obviously my friends and I change...... DUH! That's what locker rooms are supposed to be for..................... Sadly that creepy guy's locker is straight across from mine......... EWWWW!!!!!!! First of all, whenever I arrive there he's always there smiling...... OMG! Freaky enough..... Then when I put my stuff down, he always stares at my friends change..... OMG!!!! I notice it because I have to turn around to put my backpack on the bench and he's always right there.......... YUCK! Then when I change, my friends all say he stares at my back!!!!!! EWWWWW!!!!!!!! CREEPY!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway I just had to say this because it's been on my mind for like the last two days.........
Let's hope you viewers don't know a person like him......... OMG!!!! The hair on my arms still stand up from the frightfulness.......................
I think you're just over reacting... And I've been meaning to ask you this question:
Do you change in front of your locker or do you run to the bathroom and change???
I change in front of my locker........ Why??? You run to the bathroom???????
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