Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MY VALENTINE!!!!!!!!!!

This year is the first year that I got a VALENTINE!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, my valentine is my............................................ Stuffed Teddy Bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

HEHEHE!!! I know the title is deceiving but it's true! Tomorrow I was originally going to bring my teddy bear to school, but an epiphany arrived to me......... Sadly, it was too large to carry the entire day, and it's too large to fit into any of my bags....... LOL! :D So instead, my valentine is going to be my small mouse stuffed animal Mia Mousey! :D

LOL! I just described to you my first valentine, and I'm sure several years from now, I would laugh at this......... :D This is one of the few reasons I wrote this post! :D

But luckily, several of my guy friends [awkwardly] asked me to be their valentine [which I laughed at sooooooooooo muchhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D].............. LOL! Anyway, I declined because I said "No way! My teddy's my valentine!!!!!!" I guess now it's "My mousey's my valentine!!!" 

I just had to share with you viewers my odd valentine for tomorrow!!!!!!!! :D

Let's all hope that we would have a great Valentine's Day!!!!!! For all you viewers with your "mate" [hehe] let's hope that you will continue having the same "mate" for the Valentine's Day in the decades to come! For all you viewers without your "mate" let's hope we'll meet one soon!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Valentine's Day's origin was dated back to the Romans. Emperor Claudius II executed two men, both named Valentine, on February 14th, and it was named Valentine's Day to honor them by the Christian church. However, through history, and Shakespeare, it became a day of romance, and kissy-faces!!!!! :D

Let's hope you all enjoyed this post!!!!! :D Have a wonderous Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. 2 Tomorrow is one of the best days for Pisces!!!!!! And I'm a Pisces, obviously, and tomorrow is a day of excitment and challenges!!!!! OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That just sounds so lovey-dovey!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus tomorrow we're suppose to feel daring, and that just smells like love!!!!! :D OMG!!!!! I'm so excited, because this is the first year, when someone asked me to be their valentine, although it's a guy......... But at least he's a close friend..... I kinda regret not saying "yes" because I have to spend it with my cute mouse!!! Whatever, we'll see tomorrow!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!


Vanessa said...

Awww.... Happy Valentine's Day Pisces! :)
P.S. When you said this is the first year you found a Valentine... I was like "OMG.... Victor finally found a girl..." But instead it turned out to be something different... But it's okay... Next year I'm sure you'll find her :)

[Your-Name-Here] said...

LOL!!!!! :D At least I found some guy Valentines!!!!! :D I'm sure I'll find a girl soon............. :D

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