Saturday, September 1, 2012

My 300th Pageview!!!

This post would be very short because it's just a shout out!!! Although it's quite late of writing this post, because I obtained my 300th pageview like 3 hours ago. The title of my 300th pageview goes to my viewer in United States. I spent like 5 minutes finding out who it was, and luckily that person made a comment!!! My 300th pageview goes to my friend: Vanessa!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Vanessa!!! I have two reasons of thanking you, and one is that you are my 300th pageview, and second is for your continued viewage of my blog!!!
My next milestone is my 400th pageview. I wonder who that would be???
Here are two notes I have to write:
To Sharon: You still didn't tell me your homeroom number!!! So comment it below!!!!!!
To Vanessa: You should seriously talk to that guy!!! Maybe it would be love at second sigh or something!!!


Vanessa said...

Oh God~ Victor is saying this again.... Wait, my expectations... Did you forget them already? It has to be a Cancer, Scorpio, or a Virgo... :O

Vanessa said...

P.S. Yay~ I'm so honored to be your 300th page viewer! I am finally known for something~ Thanks to you :)

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