Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Leavin'~~~ Sigh... CRY!!!

Right now I can think of many things that I am going to leave behind with the start of my freshman year at Midwood High School... I am both excited, and regretful that I am going to be attending Midwood High School. I am excited to be starting fresh at a new high school with no previous memories, and friends. I am regretful that I am leaving all my friends at Brooklyn Studio, yet as one cannot take actual objects with them, I can however take with me the happy memories. I am regretful that next year I will not be at the sides of my great friends, annoying them while they are working because I'm already done with my work. I am regretful that I cannot spend lunch time stand around and annoying people. (I can see that I enjoy annoying people!) I am regretful that I cannot help my friends with hard math equations, or help them find mistakes and get my friends mad...
     I've spend the last three years of studies at Brooklyn Studio, and those three years were filled with happiness and sorrow. I've met many people there and I cannot bear to think of meeting new people, because I don't make friends easily. I am fearful that next year, I will be Mr. Lonely and have no friends to talk with. I've saw on Facebook, that some of my old friends are taking Algebra 2/Trigonometry next year, and I will not be in the classroom helping my friends. Just the thought of that makes me sad...
However, like coffee, right now I'm feeling bitter sweet. I'm bitter because at Midwood I know no one, and I am sorrowful about that. Yet I'm feeling sweet because of all the new things that I will being to unfold at Midwood gets me excited. Midwood is known for all the clubs that they hold, and I already wanna join like twenty of them. Tommorow I have to arrive at Midwood at 11:10 AM to recieve my schedule, and have a freshman assembly. I wonder if I'll make any friends at homeroom, because that'll be where I'm suppose to report to first. Also, I'm wondering if next year I'll have nice friendly teachers, or strict stern evil teachers.
Other than leaving Brooklyn Studio, I'm leaving my summer. Today's the last day of summer vacation and I regret not doing all that I wanted to. I wanted to explore my neighborhood but I didn't because throughout the whole summer majority of the days were either too hot, humid, rainy, cold, or just plain icky... I guess I'll have to do all that I planned next year!!! Hope all of my viewers have a great school year!!
**P.S. I just saw on the news that there was a 7.9 Magnitude Earthquake at Costa Rica and I feel really sad for them. I don't know what else to say...**


Vanessa said...

Aww... My math buddy~ :( Best of luck and wishes to you and enjoy the new school year~

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