I have a new Spainsh Teacher, and I'm really sad about it because I really liked my old Spainsh teacher Senora Borrero. My new Spainish teacher is both cool and werid. She's cool because she's so friendly and she only like 10-12 years older than me. She acts very immature in class, and it's fun with her, but she isn't a Spainsh native, and she makes so much mistakes. She mispronounces words, and I don't want to correct her because it would make we look like a smart alec. Her lessons are so simple, everything that she's teaching us, I learned it in 7th grade. We are in Spanish 2 not Spanish 1, so instead of teaching us to say "puedo ir al bano" maybe something that we don't know. However her lesson on that was really fun and creative. She made us listen to the bathroom song, and if you want to view it, go on Youtube, and type in Pudeo Ir Al Bano, and the video with a kid wearing an orange T-shirt is it. Yesertday we watched the video, and today she made us sing it. If we didn't she would've given us a zero for participation so everyone sung, but softly. It was so funny, and also she was asking us questions about our families, and a student said his brother was 30 and he is learning Spainish. She immediately asked "Is he hot?" and everyone started laughing including her.
I'm starting to be accustomed to Midwood life, but I still don't like it. Walking through the halls are always a pain, because there are so much people and people walk like there's glue on their shoes. When we're late we get peanilized and that's just so dumb. The teachers are all fine, except they expect so much out of us. I hate my English teacher, Mr. Friedman, because he dictates all of our notes to us except the do now. We take notes while he keeps blah blah blahing to us. I like my Music, Biology, and oddly my math teacher. I like my music and biology teacher because they are so funny, and they crack jokes like every 5 minutes. I like my math teacher, Mrs. Bang because she's werid, I know it's dumb, but I like her because she's weird.
I met two new friends today, Wayland (who I call Wallace) and Albert. They're both Asian and I met them on the bus, and we're friends now. So totaling them my friends are: Bobby, Steven, Alex, Emily, Hannah, Ka, Jenny, Zifco, and Bob. They are spread throughout all my 8 classes, and I kinda like them. However the only thing is that I don't really trust them that well. I can't tell them any of my secrets and share real personal stuff. They didn't even get me, when I asked if any of them thought that Ice Cream truck men were pedofile. If I asked that to Vanessa she would've given me the answer and we would've debated about the subject for like half an hour. All they did was answer no. Seriously you could give a more precise answer. That's the reason why friends are irreplaceable, at least some are.
I learned that this morning on the bus that I am claustrophobic. There was so much people on the bus, I felt so uncomfortable and threatened and that I wouldn't be able to get off. I like my personal space people, so move over, and not be on top of me. I was literally going to say that on the bus, but it would be so rude so I kept my mouth shut. I kind of hate Midwood because there is so much people. I feel so packed and unrelaxed. I always though that I was claustropohic and now I conformined it.
I know this is really long but the reason that it is so long, it's because if you read my Blogger News, that I couldn't write posts for the last several days. I don't know why but one day it just didn't work and now it does again!
To Vanessa: You can tell Mrs. Borrero how my Spanish Teacher sucks, and cannot teach me anything.
To Sharon: How come i never see you in school anymore?
I hope all of you are enjoying life!!!
Bye!!!!!!! I still have tons of homework to do... : (
To Victor: I don't see you in school because we don't share any classes together.
Hey, Victor just wanted to tell you that you can always email Mrs. Borrero... I'm sure she'll be happy because we talked about it during lunch time~ If you have the chance email her because she would really love to hear from you guys~
P.S. Your teacher is weird... And I don't even have to meet her... Just by her name Ms. Bang tells it all...
Also, so glad you finally met some new friends~ But what I'm most happy to hear is that if you asked me about something we would debate for so long... Haha... I miss the old days :( Hope you are doing very well~ :D
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