I am a very curious person, and the TV show/cartoon Curious Gerorge reminds me of me when I was younger. Curious George gets into all kinds of trouble due to his curious personality, and that was what use to happen to me all the time, when I young. My mother said that when I was little, I would do stuff that was so stupid because I was curious about it. I remember once when I was younger and I was curious about how the TV screen, tasted so I licked it. That was a really weird incident because afterwards like 5 minutes my mother turned on the TV and she asked me why was the TV screen wet. I said, that I wondered how it tasted so I licked it. Then she gave me a whole lecture of how, your not suppose to lick anything in front of you that isn't suppose to be licked. I was I think like 4 then, and now when I think of it, I laught like crazy.
Since I was little, I developed a really curious personality, and it can be both positive and negative in ways. Sometimes on the itnernet and I see something, I would probably be curious about ti, so I would like spend hours researching upon that subject. For example, this morning I saw a new atricle about a discovery of Ancient Roman or Greek bath houses, and I dwelled upon that subject about 2 hours. I learned the bath houses was a public bath house where people cleaned themselves publicly i front of other people inside the bath houses. I guess they didn't care about public nudity, but since I wasn't living in that time period so I could care less.
I gained weird knowledges about weird topics, due to my curiousity. Other than it giving me weird knowledge, it also makes me nosy, because it makes me wonder what others are doing. Since I was little I am a nosy person, because I like to know what others are doing/making. I remember back when I was little, I was wondering what my mother was cooking on the stove. I was too short to see what was actually inside the wok. So instead, I climbed onto a chair, and since my mother was too busy cooking, (she was cooking like 3 things at once). My father was suppose to babysitting me and my sister, but he was too busy with my sister to notice also... I climbed onto the chair, and I found out she was cooking, but hwoever I stepped off the chair and lost my balance. I fell and scratched my hands and that hurt real bad.
To now, I still like to know what other's are doing, so I snoop around, because I like when people don't know I'm there. Because if I'm there they would hide stuff that I shouldn't know. But I want to know so I snoop around. Sometimes I wonder what my sister is doing in her room, I would sneak quietly down the halls, down the stairs, into the halls, and out her room... Then I would quietly open her door, and none of the doors in our house creaks, so she wouldn't know. And if she's on her computer, she wouldn't notice because she faces the opposite wall. I would open like half an inch slowly, and I would snoop around. Plus, I wouldn't see anything private, because there's a lock on everydoor except the kitchen.
I remember yesterday, I heard my neighbors like yelling/screaming, so I wanted to know what was going on. So I dug for my binoculars and I ran downstairs into the living room where I could see outside better. My window is kinda murky from the outside but the living room one is always clean and easier to clean the outside part. They didn't close their curtains so I saw what they were doing. I guess someone, which would be their son knocked down a vase because I remember that on that table there use to be a pinkish vase on it.
Enjoy your evenings, and I've notice that the sun is gone when it's before 9 now, where like a month back it was still halfway up when it's like 9:15.
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Sunday, August 26, 2012
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YAAAHHHHHH! It's Regents Week! An ENTIRE WEEK OFF WITH NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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I MADE A NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!! IT'S DEDICATED TO K-POP!!!!!! PLEASE VISIT IF YOU LOVE K-POP!!!! The link is: http://myworldofk-pop.blogspot.com/ !!!! Visit it!!!!!
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Hey, everyone viewing my blog! Here, I will write stories of my experiences of that single day. The highlights, the down points, the silly stories, and things that I have thought. Everyone has feelings and here I will share mine with you. Enjoy!!!
Quote of the Week
"Within millions of flowers, there is only one who blossoms." - Victor Lee
If you have any questions pretaining to my blog contact me here: www.xdarkee@gmail.com. Thank you!
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