Sunday, August 26, 2012

Life's Too Short

     The average life span  of a human being is between 60-80 years old depending on where you live. This short life of everyone is not enough, because there is always something else that we want to do. Yet however we don't know when our life is going to end, maybe tomorrow, what if tonight and we sleep and we don't wake up? What is tomorrow we get into a traffic accident and die? There aer hundreds of other what if's that I can think of already and it's "what if tomrrow I trip and hit my head and sustain a brain injury, and I die?" Death is our next great destiny, but everyone that dies still has things that they want to accomplish on Earth. Myself peresonally, I believe that everyone has a soul, and one's soul will stay on Earth, just in a different relam. And they can choose to stay in this relam, if their deeds aren't complete.
     Life's already too short, but yet day after day innocent lives are being lost through methods that are just plain dumb. I don't understand why, but I believe it's because of all the horrible things that humans have done, and karma is here and that's why war is waging in every corner on Earth. War doesn't just simply have to be between different coutnires, but instead there are also minituare wars. For exmaple, people fight for something that they want, and methods and tactics that they use aren't the best, and it can be accounted as war. Although it might take lives, I still believe that it is just plain stupid. Why can't the human race just use their short lives and spend every moment in peace and happiness? Why can't everyone just live in harmony? I can already think of a suitable answer to that, it's is due to people's greed. Just one's greed can cause a full fledged war. I don't understand why people must have greed, but however even the most flawless things have flaws...
     The creation of humans was a great thing, however what the human race have changed into is a disgusting thing. Before I believed that there was once harmony, I know that I sound unrealistic, but I believe that once everyone all around the globe, that everyone was happy. There might be some who had less than others, but they still enjoyed life. Some might've been in poverty but they still were happy because they accepted and embraced their poverty.  However people now have changed drastically. There are always some who lived in poverty, and wanted to change it so bad, that they completed horrific things, to reach the top. However even the richest cannot buy happiness. Happiness comes from within, just as how a beggar living off the streets, might be even happier than some wealthy business men with a gazillion dollars. Having three meals a day is like having the world to the beggar. Not everyone can understand what I'm saying because what I'm writing now is to remind myself, and share with you what I'm thinking this moment and second. I want to save this point in life when I am actually feeling very happy, not because of materialistic things, but because I have a loving family, a shelter, food, clothing and many other things that aren't even needed but I still have it.
     The more I think upon this subject it makes me think that even the richest that have the money to buy whatever they want might not be happy. As they have much money that is even needed, but they still want more. And once they have more they still want more, just because there is always something more.
     I don't understand what I was thinking while Im'm writing this post, bt I'm just writing what I'm tihnking right now. It's like 3 AM, and I was going to sleep but however, while I was lying in bed, I was thinking upon this subject and I really wanted to share this with you, because therer are many pople out there who aren't at all feeling happy because they might want something like new shoes or blah blah blah. But I want to ask you, do you have everything you need, not what you want. Needed items that are essential to survial, and Louis Vuitton purses aren't essential to survival. Writing this post has made me realized many things. One is that life's to short, so I should spend each day as it's my last. I know it sounds really chliche but it's true and you should relize this too. Second, instead of wanted new items, I should look at what I have, and compare what is really needed and what's not. Then before I buy something like the new Kindle Fire that I want, and ask myself "Am I going to regret  uying it, am I going to get broed of it?" The obcious answer is yes, so I don't think that I would buy it. Third, I shoul probably spend more time with my parents, because each day they are getting closer to their deaths, and once they die I truly regret not spending enought time with them when I was younger. Four, and I believe it's the most important because I suffered through it before. Everyone on this world was here for a reason, and don't think of youself as inferior towards other like a rich person or something. Only someone that feels inferior wants to make other feel worst to make them feel better. Even a beggar on the street had a reason to live in this world. Everyday people die, for example in the Afganistan War, on average one U.S. soldier dies each day. So it teaches us that no one knows what's going to happen next so we should live each day to it's fullest.
     Sorry my post was so long, but I had a lot of my mind. I better go to sleep, so enjoy your day and life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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