Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Clear Night Sky

     Tonight again, I'm sitting by my window and looking in the sky. I think that I have several posts about the night sky, but for some reasons I love the night sky more than the afternoon. Tonights moon is beautiful. It looks so luminous but there are several dark spots on them that should be craters. Í forgot whether or not that the craters have water in them. Anyway, back to the moon'. The moon I suppose is there for one reasons, to porvide light in the dark for people in prehistoric times or before light was invented. I think that by using the place of the moon, you can know what direction you move in. For example, if tonight is the 15th of the lunar month the moon will always be over head, so you cannot tell the direction you're traveling. But on the first of the lunar month, the moon is on the weat (I think) so if you travel west, you will always see the moon, but if you travel east you won't.      Clear night skies also mean that you should be able to see the stars, and I crave to star gaze, but sadly I live in New York so it's now possible. I was looking on the Internet and found out that this hotel in the desert in the midwest is hte best spot to star gaze in the United States. I disagree however, because a hotel cannot compete with the comfort of your home. Well at least I think that my house is very comfortable. I love my room, I clean it everyday, and disinfect it with Fantastik everyday. Star gazing can also be done upstate which usually refers to state north of New York, in New York, and I like going upstate. We don't have a house upstate, but staying with my aunt upstate is still fun. I like to star gaze and sometimes spend hours at night looking at the stars. Usually when I look into the sky at night upstate, I can't really notice the constellation, because I don't spend everyday looking. Unlike my cousins who can say "Thats the Big Dipper, Littler Dipper, Polaris, ect..." I try looking in the direction they say but all I see are luminous stars.
     Sometimes I envy my cousins at night, but however you can't see stars in New York, because it is always so bright. Sometimes I wish New York didn't have street lights, but I know I would shudder if ther aren't any. For random reasons, I really dislike the dark, because I feel as if there are stuff that's dangerous that always lurks in the shadow. In the dark, since we aren't bats we don't really see/use super sonic sounds to locate stuff. So, we usually dwell in confusion if we don't have a flashlight. Even if we do, it wouldn't luminate the streets like street lights does. Anyway, back to the topic of the a clear night sky.
     Having clear night skies isn't available everywhere. In some places even if there aren't luminous lights around every corner of the street, the sky is so polluted you cannot see the stars. For example, I remember last time I saw photos of the night sky in China, it wasn't so stary. Instead it looks black and dul, like the sky in New York. The air is so polluted that there is no difference, between a cloudy night and a clear night, because pollutants cloud the sky. Sitting by the window, I like hearing what Mother Earth had to offer. In the area that I live, there are annoying crickets, but I enjoy hearing them. Also, at night sometimes bird are still awake and the usually sing /chirp on the trees. I enjoy the melodious sounds that they make, and I close my eyes and sway to their tune.

Good night to every reader, and sweet dreams!!!!!


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