Monday, July 2, 2012


     A sibling relationship is suppose to be filled with joy, happiness, and help. Many people I know get along with their siblings even if they do have arguments, but in the end they can always rely on each other. It is the total opposite with my sister. I cannot ever depend on her, trust her, rely on her, or even ask her to do anything for me. My sister is the incarnation of a mean person, to everyone else such as friends, teachers, and ext. she is an angel. But however to family she is the total opposite. She is mean, demanding, and she can tell people to do something for her (and she never says please, or thank you) but no one can tell her to do anything. She is like a witch on the inside, but however, she is masked as an angel. To her friends she is polite, quiet, and nice, but however at home she is the opposite. Yesterday when I was at Cesar's Bay hanging out with my friends, before I left the house she told me to buy her a frosty. I went to buy clothing (and I got some really great skinny jeans) and hang out, but I had plans afterwards. I wanted to go to 86th street with my friends and have fun, but she said no. She told me that I had to come home straight away so her frosty won't melt. I had to stand in line for 25 minutes because there was so many people, and each person ordered like 5 trays of food. And when I came home all she said was "Why is my frosty melted?" She didn't even say thank you. I was suffering in line, and all I got from her was an insult. I so wanted to rip the stupid frosty out of her hands and throw it on the floor, and tell her she didn't deserve it, but however, I somehow held it all in..... There is no word of how I can describe my anger at this sibling relationship between me and her. All I can think of is that she uses me, and she never even says thank you, but somehow each time after everything I still obey her commands like a dog. I guess that I am just a too nice of a person. Sometimes I say no, and she starts saying that she will never buy me candy again...... But however I notice that whenever she buys me candy, it is always when she is going out just to buy candy and nothing else, I never ask her to change her plans with her friends just for me. It seems that as I am just a peasant to her, while she is the queen. She is so disrespectful to me, but I guess that is what a family member is here for, to help you even in the most gruesome case. However I do wonder whether she thinks of me as a brother, or as just another person to do her bidding................


Vanessa said...

When this happens in my family this is what my mom tells me: "When she/he grows up they will understand and will learn". You're sister is pretty old enough to understand this... I think all you have to do is have a "talk"!! Good luck!! :D

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