- One time when we went to 86th Street and we ate at that Kowloon Cafe shop, he decided to order something that he couldn't finish eating, so he asked me to finish it. He's actually the only one except Peter who I would share food, or drinks with... I wasn't even done with my food, so I said no and I wasn't done with my food. He never gives up, so instead he told the waiter to pack my food, and that waiter actually did it.... So instead, I ate his to fill up my tummy... :)
- I was shopping with Jake, and Peter together at Kings Plaza, and he wanted to buy new clothes. I just went because I wanted to hang out with them. Jake was shopping at Old Navy, and he was trying on pants. The size that he got was too big, so instead of him going to get a smaller size, he decided to make me go... I said whatever, and I got it for him, when I went to the changing room, instead of just putting on his pair of pants and come out to get the pair of pants himself, he made me go in... (I wonder why didn't he just stick his hand out for it) I said whatever again and I just went in... When I went in, he dumped a plastic snake on me, and I freaked out!!! I ran out of the chaning room, and when I found out it was a fake, I was laughing like crazy....
- Personally, I don't like watching scary movies, but I do like to watch it when I'm with people. Jake was sleeping over at my house and we were watching Insidious on Netflix. The movie itself was really great, I like both the plot, and the characters, but the movie was scary... I usually hide behind the person who I watching the movie with's back. But instead of that, Jake wanted to hide behind mine's. We were fighting over who get's to be behind the other's, so instead we just were like covering our faces with my blanket... And through the scary parts, we would like hug each other and saying "Lah Lah Lah" loudly over and over again, until the parts were over. That night was so fun even though it was scary...
- Whenever Jake decides to sleep over, we would usually share my queen sized bed. We would usually stay in my room the whole day, except the summer season, because my mother doesn't want an AC in my room. She says that sleeping with an AC isn't good for you... Anyway at night, I don't know why but he likes to pull my blanket away if we're sharing one, at other times if we aren't sharing one, somehow throughout the night he would lose his, and take mine. So sleeping with him is not a good thing, however I like talking to him at like 4 AM in the morning. Whenever I wake up, or if he wakes up, we would wake the other one up. Then we would talk until we get tired and sleep. I learned a lot about his everyday like by this. It's like a way for us to connect.
- Again about Jake sleeping over, he never wears anything!!! Every time he sleeps over, I would have extra pairs of pajamas. When we would get ready for bed, instead of him changing into pajamas, he would take off his pant, and then instead take off his boxer's. Every time I beg him to just wear pajamas, or just wear his boxers, or just even wrap a towel and pin it around himself.... But.... no he wouldn't. He woud sleep nude, and sleep next to me. My mother already knows not to ever come into my room when he's over... And at night, sometimes he would come around and sleeps close to me. And sometimes he crosses his leg on me, and it is really weirds. He would wake up in the morning and wake me up also, and he would just get up, and not change yet... He would use my computer and does everything nude!! I would see him naked and yet he's not embarassed. By now I am not uncomfortable anymore...
Not matter what, he's still my cousin, and he's my best family buddy!!! If you're reading this Jake, wear PANTS!!!
Sorry if this offends you but, I didn't bother reading this. IT IS SO LONG AND SMALL!!!!
Excuse me, but I had to describe our family relationship that lasted FOURTEEN YEARS!!! I had much more to talk and described, but I tried my best to keep it short!!!
Here goes the fighting again... Sharon, that was so mean... (Well, pretty mean).. I thought the story was great except for the last part, it was pretty disturbing... Victor you should have put a warning sign... :D :P
Is Norvil actually a real word... I get that he's half normal and half evil.. I think that's how you made it up...
P.S. The font is pretty small I don't know is it because of the template you picked or you just didn't want to enlarge the font~
Norvil isn't a real word, but I think that there is really a town called Norvil in Europe, and I did get it from Normal-Nor and Evil-vil... The font is from the template, I tried changing it but everything got messed up afterwards.
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