Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gotta Wash My Clothes ~~~~~~~ Ughhhhh........ :'(

I seriously hate to wash my clothes because I have sooooooo muccchhhhhhhhh. I would like to wash my clothes at home because we do have a washing machine in the basement, but we don't have a dryer. I don't like to air dry them because during the winter it takes soooooooooooo lonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg........................................ So instead, I go to the laundromat to wash and dry my clothes. As most you viewers know, I'm kinda germaphobic so I don't like to use stuff that other people used...... So at the laundromat, the carts they give you, before I use it I will use Lysol [yep, I bring Lysol with me to the laundromat] on the cart before I will even touch it! :D

Also, luckily since the washing machines would wash the clothes and the machine at the same time, I would use it without worries...... But since the outside of the machine is touched by many, I would spray Lysol on the handle, and other parts that is not washed by the machine! :D LOL!!!!!!!! :D Also, I clean the outside of the dryers and the inner cover before using it! Also, I use gloves during the entire time at the laundromat just in case, so I don't dirty my hands so I don't dirty my freshly cleaned clothes! 

I sometimes hate to go the laundromat, because I have so much clothes myself. I use the regular bags that hold clothes, that are like huge already, and I need two to hold all my clothes........ So just from that you can infer I got tons of clothing......... In the summer sometimes when its seriously warm, I change three t-shirts (1 to go out, 1 when I arrive home, and 1 after I shower)..................... Also, the laundromat I like to go to is so far away from my house, so lugging all those stuff there is such a huge pain in my ass............... :[

Anyway enough complaining for now, I will be back later for a post called "Trip to the Laundromat" :D

Have a great afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Vanessa said...

I see... Your OCD has returned... Spraying the carts with Lysol? It makes me wonder... Do the people look at you weirdly after you finish spraying the cart? :P


This reminds me about what happened on Friday. Remember how you wouldn't hold onto the bus handle because you said it was really germy. Then I had to give you a tissue...and when you got off the bus you threw the tissue on me.

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